reinvision music
Welcome to Jake Skylyr's home on the web. Look around, enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think.
Here's what's been going on....
Photo courtesy of Chris Carroll
June 28, 2015
So sad to hear the news of the passing of one of my biggest bass heroes,Yes bassist Chris
Squire. He was one of the main reasons that I play bass, play the way I do, and he was a
trailblazer for rock bassists around the globe. There will never be another Chris, and you will
forever be remembered in our hearts and with our music. Thank you so much for all you
have done for us. Heaven will have a little more bass tone now! R.I.P. Chris Squire.
As a tribute to Chris, I threw together a quick clip of me playing a bit of "Sound Chaser" from
Yes' 1974 album Relayer. May you forever be chasing the sound!
June 12, 2015
The latest Angel Vivaldi video for the song ". _ _ _ _" (One) premiers today. This video is
being premiered by Guitar World!!! Check out the last video shot of me with long hair, and
using my beloved Carvin 6 string fretless bass.
January 22-25, 2015
I will be fulfilling a life long dream along with fellow bandmates Angel Vivaldi and Jay
Tarantino. We have been invited by Hoshino (aka IBANEZ!) to be attendees of the 2015
NAMM convention in Anaheim, CA!!! This is an amazing honor, and I can't wait to see
everything NAMM has to offer. This is going to be an amazing year!
January 16, 2015
I will be performing with Angel Vivaldi @ Coco 66 in Brooklyn, NY for our first show (of
many!) of the new year. This is a rescheduled show from last month.
January 14, 2015
This is going to be an amazing year for myself, Angel Vivaldi, and the many events in store
for us all. Stay tuned for many upcoming shows and events. In the meantime, again, let's
enjoy the amazing production of Jesse Conti for the Angel Vivaldi video for "..___" (two)
February 13-15, 2015
We got to branch out a little this weekend by playing a few shows outside of our normal area
(s) and got to spread the Angel Vivaldi word, or lack thereof, to Central Pennsylvania,
Maryland, and West Virginia. The shows were an absoloute blast, and the venues, crew, and
other bands were all intensely amazing. Extra special thanks to the sound crew at Muncheez
in West Virginia, as our drummer Bill had a last minute emergency and had to go home early,
missing the show. As a last minute patch up job, we threw together drum backing tracks
while on the road. Unfortunately, there were many volume differences due to different
sources. But crew at Muncheez did the best they could to make it work and make us sound
good, despite the odds, and the feedback from the crowd was that it worked. Thank you so
much to all who came out in spite of the weather as well!
March 4th, 2015
I wanted to wish a very Happy Birthday to one of my prime bass influences, the one and only
Chris Squire of Yes. As a tribute to him, I put together this video of me playing along to some
of my favorite Chris Squire/Yes bass lines. You'll have to click on the YouTube link in the
video to watch it on YouTube or click here to watch it.
April 18, 2015
Angel Vivaldi is back at local favorite Dingbatz, with our brothers Oraculum. I will be test
driving a new Carvin Xccelerator X64 6 string bass, as well as a revamped bass rig. Prepare to
have your faces melted!
June 8, 2015
I am beyond excited to make the following announcement: I am officially endorsed by
Carvin/Kiesel basses!! Anyone who knows me and my bass playing, knows I have been a
huge supporter of ??Carvin? basses for over 20 years, and I have been using them exclusively
since I became the full time bassist for Angel Vivaldi over 8 years ago. This is something of a
dream come true for me, and I absolutely love the fact that I have not had to sacrifice or
change a single thing to become an endorsed artist.
In addition to my current arsenal, I am currently in possession of one the new Xccelerator
X64 models to demo their newest electronics. The tone of this bass is absolutely
phenomenal (as anyone who was at our last Dingbatz show can attest to), and I'm stoked to
be able to play some new instruments that actually outshine my currently awesome beloved
There are some exciting new things in the works between myself and the guys at
Carvin/Kiesel. I can't wait to make them a reality and share them with you all here. It's an
exciting new chapter for me as a bassist and a musician, and I hope you are all ready to take
this trip with me!
A huge thank you Jeff Kiesel, Manny Huerta, and all of the amazing people in the
Carvin/Kiesel family!!!

June 20, 2015
I will be joining Angel Vivaldi for a live YouTube stream that will be packed with Q&As,
playthrough performances, giveaways, and lots of laughs. You will be entertained, I assure
June 29, 2015
Officially announcing some more tour dates (but don't call it a tour). If you are in the
Northeast, you don't want to miss these!
August 29, 2015
I am excited to officially announce the first full US/Canada Angel Vivaldi tour coming early
this fall! We are co-headlining with The Algorithm from 10/7/15 to 11/3/15, with a chance of
more dates being added at the end to get us back home. Follow us and be notified of these
faces in your neighborhood! \m/
September 29, 2015
MORE TOUR DATES ADDED!!! In effort to get us home, we have some more shows lined up
for our return to the east coast. More opportunities to come out and see us, and less excuses
not to! Again, follow us and be notified of these and other shows on
October 1, 2015
Today I received a most glorious delivery. My first custom from Carvin/Kiesel arrived today
in all of it's jaw dropping beauty. just in time to join me on our North American tour. Believe
me when I say this thing is even more show stopping in person. And to top it off, it plays and
sounds as good as it looks!!! Be sure to catch us on tour and see my new baby in action
alongside Beebs!
October 7, 2015
Today we kick off the tour in Brooklyn, NY. Be sure to come check us out when we come to
your town!
November 14, 2015
Home from tour just long enough to unpack and repack to head out for the 2015 installment
of The Cruise To The Edge. Can't wait to see some old favorites coupled with some new ones
as well. The onslaught of music continues, this time with more food!
November 23, 2015
Touring You Apart is now officially complete. Thank you to everyone who came out to
Dingbatz last night to welcome us home. The response and kindness we received on this
enitre tour was indescribable. Everyone who came out and showed their support all over the
country (and Canada!) made all of the hard work worthwhile. You truly made us feel loved.
You, the fans, made this all possible, and we were rewarded with being able to perform for
you all, and not a bad night in the lot. We truly love you all. Thank you all so much for your
continued support. Can't wait to see you all again on the next tour!
December 1, 2015
Now that I am home from the Angel Vivaldi tour, and getting back in the swing of things, it's
a good a time as any to shift some of my focus to the project continually getting thrust to the
back burner. I have been working on some new Reinvision music. I also have some new
ideas in store to really get this project where it needs to be, so keep posted. Follow along at
December 12, 2015
Be sure that you are following me on Instagram. My shenanigans pop up there first, so you
will be among the first to see updates to things "Peeps With Beebs", Reinvision, and other
randomness that just seems like things I would do. Because I am. Go forth and like my pics! :)